Processional For the Re-Union Of Christendom

Lord , now round Thy Church behold
Countless foes assembling;
See, in Thy divided Fold,
Fearfulness and trembling.
Night is transitory,—
Darkest night brings in the morn:
Now, O Christ, O Virgin-born,
Come, in clouds of glory!

Rise, Lord God of Sabaoth!
Thy right hand hath crowned Thee
King of Saints and Angels both:
Call Thine armies round Thee.
Shine forth in Thy splendor,
Shine, O bright Immanuel!
Thou that conquerest Death and Hell,
Thou art our Defender.

Vain Thy love, that long hath yearned;
Vain thy Blood, long flowing:
Mercy now to wrath is turned,
Love to vengeance glowing.
From the Cross that bore Thee
Now let thunderbolts flash forth,
Till Thy foes, in all the earth,
Prostrate fall before Thee.

Smite old Egypt's sevenfold flood,—
Dry its streams unstable;
Smite Assyria's lustful brood;
Smite the pride of Babel;
Break the bands of Edom,—
Break the tyrant's rod of power:
Now, in one triumphant hour,
Give Thy people freedom!

Come, O God the Holy Ghost!
O strong Wind, with Thunder,
Blow, till all our scattered host
Part no more in sunder.
Light, O Flame all-glorious,
Light once more Thy tongues of fire:
Breathe on us, till Thou inspire
Thine own Love victorious.

O thou East, take, as of yore,
Thy primeval glory;
O thou West, renew once more
All thine ancient story;
O ye Isles of Ocean,
Earth's remotest ends, rejoice:
Now the Bride sends forth her voice,
“Come,” saith Christ's own Chosen.

One His Body aye must be;
One its Spirit ever;
One Hope,—immortality;
One Love,—failing never;
One Lord, Christ our Saviour;
One our Faith; our Baptism one;
One the Father, Spirit, Son,—
One God, blest forever!
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