A Prologue for the Benefit of Old Husband's the Player
What various Forms must moral Wisdom wear,
To banish Vice, and Virtue's Charms endear!
When Precept fails, Example's Pow'r she tries,
And decks forth Truth in Fiction's gay Disguise;
Through Fancy's Maze she leads, with honest Art,
The Head misguided, and th' unsocial Heart.
For this the Stage hath long illustrious been,
When Genius rais'd, and Judgment prun'd the Scene;
When letter'd Decency and Sense unite,
Wisdom adorns, and Virtue crowns Delight.
Such well-plann'd Theatres should ever bloom,
Esteem'd and honour'd, as at Greece and Rome .
This Night, ye Fair! your generous Bounty cheers
Merit decay'd, and Worth oppress'd by Years.
Such Merit, and such conscious Worth may claim
The Soul-felt Plaudit of unspotted Fame.
Amidst Corruption's Streams unstain'd he stood,
Nor swam down Custom's foul defiling Flood.
Such Husbands was: for more than half an Age
The moral Guide, now Father of the Stage:
Dismis'd by Time from ev'ry Scene of Strife,
He views that Curtain fall, which closes Life:
Fearless he views it with exulting Face,
Whilst your bright Presence shall his Exit grace.
To banish Vice, and Virtue's Charms endear!
When Precept fails, Example's Pow'r she tries,
And decks forth Truth in Fiction's gay Disguise;
Through Fancy's Maze she leads, with honest Art,
The Head misguided, and th' unsocial Heart.
For this the Stage hath long illustrious been,
When Genius rais'd, and Judgment prun'd the Scene;
When letter'd Decency and Sense unite,
Wisdom adorns, and Virtue crowns Delight.
Such well-plann'd Theatres should ever bloom,
Esteem'd and honour'd, as at Greece and Rome .
This Night, ye Fair! your generous Bounty cheers
Merit decay'd, and Worth oppress'd by Years.
Such Merit, and such conscious Worth may claim
The Soul-felt Plaudit of unspotted Fame.
Amidst Corruption's Streams unstain'd he stood,
Nor swam down Custom's foul defiling Flood.
Such Husbands was: for more than half an Age
The moral Guide, now Father of the Stage:
Dismis'd by Time from ev'ry Scene of Strife,
He views that Curtain fall, which closes Life:
Fearless he views it with exulting Face,
Whilst your bright Presence shall his Exit grace.
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