Prologus Chamus -

Begin, thou royall Muse, Envie nere uses,
To dwell in gentle Courts, or sacred Muses:
To begge of them, [w]hat common courtesie
Must grant; were to condemne both them, and thee:
Thy Came assures thee, they will all agree,
Gently to beare their Actors infancy;
Infants oft please; the choycest Poet[s] song,
Breeds lesse delight then th' infants prattling tongue.
Then let me here intreate your minds to see,
In this our England, fruitfull Sicely,
Their two twinne Iles; so like in soyle and frame,
That as two twinnes they'r but another same.
But this they begge, which you may graunt with ease:
That all these paines to pleasure you, may please.
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