Providence. An Ode
an Ode.
Our God! whom Heav'n's angelic hosts obey,
Form'd by his all-creating Word our globe;
His glorious smile illum'd the orb of Day,
And deck'd the infant Spring in Beauty's robe:
See, beautiful, in Paradise,
The vegetable tribes arise,
And flourish o'er the ground;
And, fraught with life, the teeming earth
Give animated Nature birth,
With health and beauty crown'd.
Man, the illustrious favourite of Heav'n,
Our GOD inspir'd with his immortal breath —
To him dominion o'er this world was giv'n —
Created innocent — exempt from death;
But, soon, alas! th' infernal foe
Seduc'd him, and relentless woe
Displac'd his mental joy:
And Death, voracious, came from Hell,
On this terrestrial orb to dwell,
Commission'd to destroy.
Kind Providence DIVINE , with pitying eye,
Beheld his fallen creatures, and prepar'd,
For their afflictive lapse, a remedy,
By angels and by prophets oft declar'd —
The S ON OF G OD , with heav'nly love,
Descended from the realms above,
To save the human race —
Meek victim of the Jewish pride,
He for Mankind's redemption died,
That we might live thro' grace.
Dear S AVIOUR ! the true Christian's hope and joy,
Inspire my soul with stedfast faith in thee:
O! save, when Satan's fiery darts annoy,
And grant my mind thy perfect liberty.
The mysteries of Providence
Too oft give mortal M AN offence,
By Folly led astray;
Those sensualists, inflam'd with pride,
Thy soul-preserving L OVE deride,
And turn, like moles from heav'nly day.
Our God! whom Heav'n's angelic hosts obey,
Form'd by his all-creating Word our globe;
His glorious smile illum'd the orb of Day,
And deck'd the infant Spring in Beauty's robe:
See, beautiful, in Paradise,
The vegetable tribes arise,
And flourish o'er the ground;
And, fraught with life, the teeming earth
Give animated Nature birth,
With health and beauty crown'd.
Man, the illustrious favourite of Heav'n,
Our GOD inspir'd with his immortal breath —
To him dominion o'er this world was giv'n —
Created innocent — exempt from death;
But, soon, alas! th' infernal foe
Seduc'd him, and relentless woe
Displac'd his mental joy:
And Death, voracious, came from Hell,
On this terrestrial orb to dwell,
Commission'd to destroy.
Kind Providence DIVINE , with pitying eye,
Beheld his fallen creatures, and prepar'd,
For their afflictive lapse, a remedy,
By angels and by prophets oft declar'd —
The S ON OF G OD , with heav'nly love,
Descended from the realms above,
To save the human race —
Meek victim of the Jewish pride,
He for Mankind's redemption died,
That we might live thro' grace.
Dear S AVIOUR ! the true Christian's hope and joy,
Inspire my soul with stedfast faith in thee:
O! save, when Satan's fiery darts annoy,
And grant my mind thy perfect liberty.
The mysteries of Providence
Too oft give mortal M AN offence,
By Folly led astray;
Those sensualists, inflam'd with pride,
Thy soul-preserving L OVE deride,
And turn, like moles from heav'nly day.
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