Psalm 114

When the children of Israel, when the noble tribes of Jacob
left behind the land of Egypt, hated, barbarous of speech,
already at that time the only chosen race was the sons of Judah.
But among the people God ruled, a mighty Lord.
The sea saw, and turning back, made the fugitive strong,
its roaring waves folded beneath, and straightaway was
the sacred Jordan thrust back upon its silvery sources.
The boundless mountains rushed wildly thither, skipping
as well-filled rams in a thriving garden.
At the same time all the strange little crags leaped up
as lambs to the shepherd's pipe about their dear mother.
Why then, dread monster sea, did you make the fugitive strong,
your roaring waves folded beneath? Why then were you,
sacred Jordan, thrust back upon your silvery sources?
Why did the boundless mountains rush wildly, skipping
as well-filled rams in a thriving garden?
Why then did you, strange little crags, leap up
as lambs to the shepherd's pipe about your dear mother?
Tremble, Earth, and fear the Lord, doer of mighty works;
Earth, fear the Lord, the highest majesty of the seed of Isaac,
who poured forth both the roaring streams out of the rocks
and the ever-flowing fountain down from the weeping crags.
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