Psalm 116

Joy has taken full possession
Of my heart and triumphs there;
Since, thro' Christ his intercession,
God has hearken'd to my pray'r.

Since, his gracious ear inclining,
He has met my fervent vow,
To his name the praise assigning,
All my life my knees shall bow.

Long and painful did I languish,
Death his snares began to spread;
Horror and despair and anguish
Brought their terrors to my bed.

Grief and trouble are conditions,
And the colour of my state;
Hence my soul the Lord petitions
“Save thou blessed UNCREATE!”

For the Lord our God is gracious
And omnipotently true,
And his mercies efficacious
Weeping sinners to renew.

God receives to his protection
Simple folk when they repent;
I was in the last dejection
And his comforter he sent.

Turn again unto thy Saviour,
O my soul, and take thy rest;
God has weigh'd thy meek behaviour,
And with recompence hath blest.

For, my soul from death redeeming,
Thou thy servant hast solac'd;
Wip'd his eyes with sorrow streaming,
And his falling feet replac'd.

I shall therefore walk before thee,
And in God direct my ways,
Open in the light adore thee
For example and for praise.

My belief was firmly founded,
Therefore I with freedom spoke
From an heart with anguish wounded,
“All our race their meaning cloak.”

For his mercies great and tender,
For his benefits benign,
Is their recompence to render,
Is their honour to assign?

Mine infirmities uncloaking
I will my confession make,
At thy shrine thy grace invoking,
As thine eucharist I take.

In thy holy church with fervour
Now I will my vows direct;
Dear to their divine preserver
Are the lives of his elect.

See, O Lord, that I am under
The dominion of thy name,
Thou hast broke my bonds in sunder,
And I from thy handmaid came.

I will sacrifice thanksgiving,
Swelling voice and sounding chord;
In the fragrance of good living
I will worship to the Lord

In thy holy church with fervour
Now my soul her pray'r shall frame;
Salem bless thy great preserver,
Priests and people praise his name.
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