Psalm 125
They, which their faithfulness have prov'd,
Shall, like fair Zion, spread, and soar
God's mount, that may not be remov'd,
But stands for evermore.
Round Salem's walls the hills ascend,
Ev'n so God's angels rank in air
His faithful people to defend,
For evermore his care.
For godless bands, which are a scourge,
Shall never share our blessed lot,
Lest they the righteous man should urge
His honest fame to blot.
Lord, thy benevolence maintain,
And kindly with thy people deal;
Thy people which are good in grain,
And have a heart to feel.
But they whose hearts relapse to sin,
Shall with the profligates be sped,
While peace external and within
Shall rest on Israel's head.
Shall, like fair Zion, spread, and soar
God's mount, that may not be remov'd,
But stands for evermore.
Round Salem's walls the hills ascend,
Ev'n so God's angels rank in air
His faithful people to defend,
For evermore his care.
For godless bands, which are a scourge,
Shall never share our blessed lot,
Lest they the righteous man should urge
His honest fame to blot.
Lord, thy benevolence maintain,
And kindly with thy people deal;
Thy people which are good in grain,
And have a heart to feel.
But they whose hearts relapse to sin,
Shall with the profligates be sped,
While peace external and within
Shall rest on Israel's head.
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