Psalm 33

Rejoice in God, ye saints above
The wiles and fire of fraud and lust;
For gratitude is fruitful love,
And well becomes the just.

Praise with the harp the prince of grace,
Let lutes accord to him that sings,
Adapt the mellow sounding bass
With ten melodious strings.

Let novelty commend the strain,
And sing, adoring, as ye kneel,
And swell with all your might and main
The full resounding peal.

For Christ the word of his command
Is truth in all its various terms,
And all th' atchievements of his hand
His faithfulness confirms.

He has his righteousness at heart,
And love and mercy hold his rod,
And earth abounds in every part
With goodness and with God.

The firmament and all the host
Of heav'n by Christ the word were form'd,
And quickning to the Holy Ghost,
With active heat were warm'd.

In one great magazine compell'd,
The waters of the main he heaps,
And, as a store by warders held,
The briny depth he keeps.

Let earth in all her throng'd abodes,
And ye, where'er your tents are spread,
Ye people, bless in all the modes
Of reverence and dread.

With him the word and work are one,
The moulds were made, the forms were cast,
As he commanded it was done,
And stood for ever fast.

The Lord abolishes the schemes
And purposes of heathen sects;
The people's murmurs, prince's dreams
He quashes and rejects.

The councils of the Lord are sure,
As infinitely just and sage,
And all his precious thoughts endure
From age to rising age.

Blest are the people and the realm,
Where Christ is seated on the throne;
For whom their Saviour holds the helm,
Elected as his own.

The Lord from heav'n's imperial height
Beholds the sons of men below,
And thence considers their estate
Of transient wealth or woe.

By him their hearts are fram'd and turn'd,
By him the vital fountain plays;
He knows whatere is sought or spurn'd
In all their works and ways.

There is no monarch therefore sav'd,
Who has to multitudes recourse,
Nor is the stroke of conquest stav'd
By numbers or by force.

The horses that the spearmen mount,
When comes the trying hour of need,
Are of small service or account,
With all their strength and speed.

Lo! God with fatherly concern,
Looks down to see what course we steer,
And blesses those that live and learn
A godly hope and fear;

Their souls from terror to redeem,
And for their cup and social hearth
To raise the blade and fill the stream,
Against the hour of dearth.

Our souls by patience we possess,
Untill the Lord his angel send;
For he's our helper to redress,
Our buckler to defend.

Wherefore our spirits shall revive,
Because our special end and aim
Is still to keep our hope alive
By his most holy name.

Lord, let thy gracious love diffuse
Its influence on our fervent vows,
Like as our faith all doubt subdues,
And we thy cause espouse.
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