Psalm 34

Unceasing thanks, as thus I kneel,
I will to God return;
And still with eager lips reveal
Th' internal gratitude I feel,
And zeal to praise with which I burn.

With confidence in Jesus placed,
My soul herself shall plume;
The poor and by the world disgrac'd,
And those that have themselves abas'd,
Shall hear, and joyfulness assume.

O take the blessed theme of praise
Our spirits to expand;
And let us our conceptions raise,
God's glorious name together blaze,
And faithful worship hand in hand.

The Lord my Saviour I besought,
And he was quickly found,
And in his arms of mercy caught
My spirit, and to safety brought
From every terror, every wound.

Illumination beams on all
That to the Lord aspire;
And, when they to the godhead call,
Nought can abash them, or appal
In such a duty and desire.

Lo! the poor suff'rers importune
Their Saviour to attend,
And mercy gives them audience soon,
With speed accomplishes their boon,
And to their troubles puts an end.

The Lord his ever-blessed dove
Keeps hov'ring with her wings
For all that cherish fearful love,
And buoy their spirits up above
The peril of all earthly things.

O hear the summons—“Come and see”
And God's free grace receive;
Exalted to the first degree,
And of eternal worth is he,
Who stands determin'd to believe.

O to the Lord your God adhere,
Ye saints, in trembling dread;
For they which his decrees revere,
And nourish reverence by fear
Are in all exigencies sped.

The lions in the forest roar,
And hunger as they quest;
But heroes in the Lord, that soar
To heav'n, and there his face explore,
Shall have no want of what is best.

Come little children and imbibe
The nurture of my speech;
And I will list you of my tribe,
God's fear within your heart inscribe,
And early your Redeemer preach.

What man is he that would prolong
His pilgrimage on earth,
And live in lusty health and strong,
To see each day the theme of song
And full of melody and mirth.

O'er all thy craving members reign
Lest they thy soul defile;
Thy tongue with diligence restrain,
And thine unguarded lips contain
From idle words and active guile

All evil thoughts and speech avoid,
And in the Christian race
Be with perpetual good employ'd,
Seek peace, nor ever be decoy'd
With ought that leads you from the chace.

The Lord his omnipresent eyes
From highest heavens ascent,
The good and righteous supervise,
He hears their pray'rs as they arise
Towards his throne with ears intent.

God cannot countenance the deeds
Of them that act amiss,
But from their commerce he recedes,
Until their Saviour's merit pleads
To reinstate their souls in bliss.

Whene'er the righteous make complaint,
From heav'n attention stoops;
God has respect unto his saint
The more when he thro' grief is faint,
And wholly saves him ere he droops.

Christ is the neighbour of the meek,
Whose nature is renew'd,
And those that by contrition seek,
And with their tears his love bespeak,
He will within his fold include.

The crosses of the Lord's elect
Are grievous here below;
But God gives all his pray'rs effect,
And shall his ministers direct
To snatch him out of all his woe.

He keeps his bones and all intire
From fracture and mischance,
So that his foes, when set on fire
Of hell, they cruelly conspire,
Can only pierce him with a lance.

But mischief from the pit pursues
The wicked as they tread;
And who the grace of God refuse,
Their way from every virtue lose,
To death and desolation led

The Lord his meritorious cross
Shall ransom all our souls,
And purify our filthy dross,
And they shall not be at a loss,
Whose faith he in his book enrolls.
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