Psalm 45

Exalted by a blessed thought
My soul is on the wing;
I speak, as in the spirit taught,
The praise of Christ my king.

My lips are eager and delight
Glad tidings to impart,
As is the pen of them that write
With equal ease and art.

Thy form is fairer than the race
Of men from Adam sprung;
And God has giv'n eternal grace
To thy persuasive tongue.

Thy sword's effulgent lightning sheathe
On thy redoubted thigh;
And crown'd with fame and merit breathe
The peace of God Most High.

God thy thrice-honour'd mission speed,
In love and meekness ride
To do the right thy word decreed,
And truth shall be thy guide.

Sharp is the voice of thy reproof
When sin thy spirit grieves,
Ev'n underneath the sacred roof
Amidst the trading thieves.

Thy seat, Lord Jesus, shall remain,
And endless pow'r is thine;
The sceptre of thy heav'nly reign
Is rectitude divine.

Thy truth all falsehood disallows,
Whence God, thy God profest,
His oil has gladden'd for thy brows,
Above thy fellows blest.

Thy garments of rich cassia smell,
Of aloes and of myrrh,
From iv'ry rooms, where psalmists dwell
And joyful pray'rs prefer.

The dames of honour not a few
Are in thy train enroll'd;
The seat upon thy right shall shew
Thy spouse in flow'rs and gold.

Consider, daughter, and attend—
Forget thy carnal sire,
The wealthy pomp, the worldly friend,
And every mean desire.

Thus shall the prince of peace have joy
In beauty so supreme;
Thy service and thy song employ
In Christ thy God and theme.

The daughter of the Tyrian port
Shall bring her gifts to thee;
The rich of nations pay their court,
And supplicate the knee.

The bride of Jesus Christ is great
In glories of the soul,
Of regal gold a precious weight
Adorns her flowing stole.

Before her Saviour shall she stand
In needle-work array'd,
And those wise virgins of her band
With blazing lamps display'd.

In joy and gladness not to cease
They shall be led along
To Christ the palace of his peace,
The house of pray'r and song.

Of no terrestrial father born,
Thy servants are thine heirs,
Whom thou shalt leave the world to warn
By preaching and by pray'rs.

I will thy holy name adore
As I such hope presage;
Thy saints shall bless thee more and more
In every world and age.
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