Psalm 56
O Christ, have mercy on thy sheep
From man's licentious pow'r;
Each day the foes thy fence o'erleap
To worry and devour
Their sweeping swarms in hostile steel
The daily skirmish try,
I therefore to thy name appeal,
Most holy and most high.
Whene'er I find myself dismay'd
Which threats at times obtain,
I will rely for instant aid
On Christ betray'd and slain.
I will the words of Christ adore,
Whose voice my faith confirms;
In him I trust, and dread no more
The pow'r of dust and worms.
They daily from its true intent
In craft my language wrest,
Thoughts misemploy'd, and time mispent,
My ruin to suggest.
Their bands with cowardice extream
Assemble and retreat,
And as against my life they scheme,
They mark me by my feet.
Shall they escape the doom they dread,
Who plan their neighbour hurt?
Yea, Jesu, from their impious head
The final doom avert.
Thou seest the wand'rings of my pray'r
From woes I cannot brook,
Thy phial for my tears prepare
And note them in thy book.
Whene'er thy Saviour I invoke,
My foes the siege shall raise;
For this from heav'n I have bespoke,
In Christ my pray'r and praise.
From Christ the word of life deriv'd,
My joyful psalm resounds;
In Christ the word my soul reviv'd,
Her consolation grounds.
My trust in Jesus I repose,
And hence my hope pursue;
I will not fear my carnal foes,
Nor what vain man can do.
To Christ my solemn vows I owe,
My daily debt is great,
I will my mite of praise bestow,
And at thine altar wait.
My soul from death thy merit clears,
My feet are firm and free;
And to the public view appears
My light renew'd in thee
From man's licentious pow'r;
Each day the foes thy fence o'erleap
To worry and devour
Their sweeping swarms in hostile steel
The daily skirmish try,
I therefore to thy name appeal,
Most holy and most high.
Whene'er I find myself dismay'd
Which threats at times obtain,
I will rely for instant aid
On Christ betray'd and slain.
I will the words of Christ adore,
Whose voice my faith confirms;
In him I trust, and dread no more
The pow'r of dust and worms.
They daily from its true intent
In craft my language wrest,
Thoughts misemploy'd, and time mispent,
My ruin to suggest.
Their bands with cowardice extream
Assemble and retreat,
And as against my life they scheme,
They mark me by my feet.
Shall they escape the doom they dread,
Who plan their neighbour hurt?
Yea, Jesu, from their impious head
The final doom avert.
Thou seest the wand'rings of my pray'r
From woes I cannot brook,
Thy phial for my tears prepare
And note them in thy book.
Whene'er thy Saviour I invoke,
My foes the siege shall raise;
For this from heav'n I have bespoke,
In Christ my pray'r and praise.
From Christ the word of life deriv'd,
My joyful psalm resounds;
In Christ the word my soul reviv'd,
Her consolation grounds.
My trust in Jesus I repose,
And hence my hope pursue;
I will not fear my carnal foes,
Nor what vain man can do.
To Christ my solemn vows I owe,
My daily debt is great,
I will my mite of praise bestow,
And at thine altar wait.
My soul from death thy merit clears,
My feet are firm and free;
And to the public view appears
My light renew'd in thee
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