Psalm 71

In thy name my faith is rooted,
Save me, Jesu, from dismay;
Have me rescu'd and recruited,
And, All-righteous, hear me pray.

Be my bulwark to secure me,
And the promis'd help fulfil;
In thy strongest fort immure me,
For thou art my Saviour still.

From the godless and licentious,
Lord, thy supplicant release;
From the cruel and contentious,
Joining hands against my peace

For with ardour heav'nly-minded
Thee, Lord Jesus, I embrace;
Nor by carnal pleasures blinded,
Ev'n from youth I court thy grace.

From my birth thou hast sustain'd me,
From the womb hast set me free,
And the praises thou ordain'd me
Shall for ever flow to thee.

In the vulgar estimation
As a monster am I thought,
Yet I hope for thy salvation,
Which by Jesus Christ was bought.

Give me gracious elocution
Day by day thy laud to tell,
That with grateful retribution
On thy glory I may dwell.

Leave me not with age declining,
As increasing years prevail,
When my lamp no longer shining,
Strength and wonted spirits fail.

For my sland'rous foes have taken
Ev'ry step to have it said,
“Grind him, of his God forsaken;
Seize him, destitute of aid.”

Go not far from my petition,
O my God, when life's at stake;
Haste with gracious expedition,
O my God, for Christ his sake.

Yet for all their deeds despiteful,
Keep them from eternal shame;
And disgrace and pain so rightful
Let them 'scape in Christ his name.

As for me, I will endeavour
Patience to support by pray'r,
And thy glorious laud for ever
More and more will I declare.

Daily shall my mouth make mention
Of the Christian faith and hope,
Though 'tis not in man's invention
To define their boundless scope.

Made in Christ another creature,
And through grace to fulness grown,
I will sing in holy metre
Of thy righteousness alone.

Lord, thou taught the first noviciate
Of my grace-directed youth,
Therefore shall mine age officiate
To promulge thy wond'rous truth.

Spare me, Lord, so weak and hoary,
As the vital heat decays,
Till I shew the pow'r and glory
Of thy reign to future days.

Far above revenge and rigour
Tow'rs thy truth sublimely bright;
What comparison or figure
Shall describe thy matchless might?

In what floods of grief immersing
Hast thou prov'd me! in what pain!
Yet my bitter lot reversing,
Thou hast brought me up again.

Thou hast rais'd me to promotion,
These imperial reins to guide,
And encourag'd my devotion
To thy name on ev'ry side.

Wherefore with my verse harmonious
I thy faithfulness will sing,
Striking from the harp symphonious
Praise to Christ the spotless king.

With my lips by zeal impassion'd,
And the heart thou hast restor'd;
To the thought the numbers fashion'd,
Thee I sing, O most ador'd.

And thy truth shall be resounded
Daily in my speech and song;
For the wretches are confounded
That conspir'd to do me wrong.
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