Psalm for a Daye of Grate Joye
Only the angels came with my bride andde me to our home.
The rest of our peple we left atte the cherch,
Her father andde mother like two olde berds
Whose winges hav colected dust wentte home
To thum home with thum eyes onne the grond
Like berds that look for food hunger or no hunger
Andde her yonger sistern and her yonge brothern ranne home
Through the feelds like blosoms blone offe the trese
By a strongge winde. It was harde to saye iffe thay
Pushed the winde or the winde pushed thum along.
Ah the childits! We forgot thum that daye.
Ah the olde peple! We forgot thum also that daye.
We two entered our house with only the angels for servants
Andde only the angels herde our lips mete. Com soone,
Wen we hadde eten andde had wined andde ben warmed
By the fir I neded my bryde. She came to me
In the large cedar-smelingge room andde layde off her
Wite linen shirt that she hadde made withe her own handes
Andde then she gave me the freshen ripe bresties
Andde drawingge to her I harvested her full yelde
Wile the angels sat onne the egge of the wite linen shirt
She hadde made withe her own handes andde kept itte from blowingge awaye.
The rest of our peple we left atte the cherch,
Her father andde mother like two olde berds
Whose winges hav colected dust wentte home
To thum home with thum eyes onne the grond
Like berds that look for food hunger or no hunger
Andde her yonger sistern and her yonge brothern ranne home
Through the feelds like blosoms blone offe the trese
By a strongge winde. It was harde to saye iffe thay
Pushed the winde or the winde pushed thum along.
Ah the childits! We forgot thum that daye.
Ah the olde peple! We forgot thum also that daye.
We two entered our house with only the angels for servants
Andde only the angels herde our lips mete. Com soone,
Wen we hadde eten andde had wined andde ben warmed
By the fir I neded my bryde. She came to me
In the large cedar-smelingge room andde layde off her
Wite linen shirt that she hadde made withe her own handes
Andde then she gave me the freshen ripe bresties
Andde drawingge to her I harvested her full yelde
Wile the angels sat onne the egge of the wite linen shirt
She hadde made withe her own handes andde kept itte from blowingge awaye.
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