Psalmes of David, The - Psalm 37
Noli aemulari.
Frete not thy self if thou do see
That wicked men do seeme to flourish;
Nor envy in thy bosome nourish,
Though ill deeds well-succeeding be.
They soone shall be cutt down like grasse,
And wither like green herb or flower;
Do well, and trust on heavnly power,
Thou shalt haue both good food and place.
Delight in God, and He shall breed
The fulness of thy own hearts lusting;
Guide thee by Him, lay all thy trusting
On Him, and He will make it speed.
For, like the light, He shall display
Thy justice in most shining luster,
And of thy judgments make a muster
Like to the glory of noone day.
Wait on the Lord with patient hope,
Chafe not at some man's great good fortune,
Though all his plotts, without misfortune,
Attain unto their wished scope.
Fume not, rage not, frett not, I say,
Least such things sin in thee doe cherish,
For those badd folks at last shall perish:
Who stay for God, in blisse shall stay.
Watch but a while, and thou shalt see
The wicked by his own pride bannisht;
Look after him, he shall be vannisht,
And never found again shal be.
But meek men shall the earth possesse,
In quiet home they shall be planted,
And this delight to them is granted,
They shall haue peace in plenteousness.
Evill men work ill to utmost right,
Gnashing their teeth full of disdeigning;
But God shall scorn their moody meaning,
For their short time is in His sight.
The ev'll bent bowes and swords they drew,
To haue their hate on good soules wroken;
But lo, their bowes they shall be broken,
Their swords shall their own hearts embrew.
Small good in good men better is
Then of bad folks the wealthy wonder;
For wycked arms shall breake asunder,
But God vpholds the just in blisse.
God keeps account of good men's dayes,
Their heritage shall last for ever;
In perill they shall perish never,
Nor want in dearth their want to ease.
Badd folks shall fall, and fall for aye;
Who to make warr with God presumed,
Like fatt of lambs shall be consumed,
Even with the smoake shall wast away.
The naughty borrowes, paying not,
The good is kind and freely giveth:
Whom God doth blesse, he blessed liveth;
Whom He doth curse, to nought shall rott.
The man whom God directs doth stand
Firm in his way, his way God loveth;
Though he do fall, no wreck he proveth,
He is vpheld by heavnly hand.
I haue been young, now old I am,
Yet I the man that was betaken
To justice, never saw forsaken,
Nor that his seed to begging came.
He lends, he giues; more he dos spend,
The more his seed in blessing flourish;
Then fly all evill, and goodness nourish,
And thy good state shall never end.
God, loving right, doth not forsake
His holy ones, they are preserved
From time to time; but who be swerved
To evill, both they and theirs shall rack
I say, I say the righteous minds
Shall haue the land in their possessing,
Shall dwell therin, and this their blessing
No time within his limites binds.
The good mouth will in wisdom bide,
His tongue of heavnly judgments telleth,
For God's high law in his heart dwelleth:
What comes thereof? he shall not slide.
The wicked watch the righteous much,
And seek of life for to bereaue him;
But in their hand God will not leaue him,
Nor let him be condemn'd by such.
Wait, then, on God, and keep His way,
He will exalt thee unto honour,
And of the earth make thee an owner;
Yea, thou shalt see the evill decay.
I haue the wicked seen full sound,
Like laurell fresh him self out spreading;
Lo, he was gon; print of his treading,
Though I did seek, I never found.
Mark the vpright, the just attend,
His end shall be in peace enjoyed;
But strayers vile shall be destroyed,
And quite cutt off with helpless end.
Still, still the godly shall be stay'd
By God's most sure and sweet salvation;
In time of greatest tribulation
He shall be their true strength and aid.
He shall be their true strength and aid,
He shall saue them from all the fetches
Against them usd by wicked wretches,
Because on Him their trust is laid.
Noli aemulari.
Frete not thy self if thou do see
That wicked men do seeme to flourish;
Nor envy in thy bosome nourish,
Though ill deeds well-succeeding be.
They soone shall be cutt down like grasse,
And wither like green herb or flower;
Do well, and trust on heavnly power,
Thou shalt haue both good food and place.
Delight in God, and He shall breed
The fulness of thy own hearts lusting;
Guide thee by Him, lay all thy trusting
On Him, and He will make it speed.
For, like the light, He shall display
Thy justice in most shining luster,
And of thy judgments make a muster
Like to the glory of noone day.
Wait on the Lord with patient hope,
Chafe not at some man's great good fortune,
Though all his plotts, without misfortune,
Attain unto their wished scope.
Fume not, rage not, frett not, I say,
Least such things sin in thee doe cherish,
For those badd folks at last shall perish:
Who stay for God, in blisse shall stay.
Watch but a while, and thou shalt see
The wicked by his own pride bannisht;
Look after him, he shall be vannisht,
And never found again shal be.
But meek men shall the earth possesse,
In quiet home they shall be planted,
And this delight to them is granted,
They shall haue peace in plenteousness.
Evill men work ill to utmost right,
Gnashing their teeth full of disdeigning;
But God shall scorn their moody meaning,
For their short time is in His sight.
The ev'll bent bowes and swords they drew,
To haue their hate on good soules wroken;
But lo, their bowes they shall be broken,
Their swords shall their own hearts embrew.
Small good in good men better is
Then of bad folks the wealthy wonder;
For wycked arms shall breake asunder,
But God vpholds the just in blisse.
God keeps account of good men's dayes,
Their heritage shall last for ever;
In perill they shall perish never,
Nor want in dearth their want to ease.
Badd folks shall fall, and fall for aye;
Who to make warr with God presumed,
Like fatt of lambs shall be consumed,
Even with the smoake shall wast away.
The naughty borrowes, paying not,
The good is kind and freely giveth:
Whom God doth blesse, he blessed liveth;
Whom He doth curse, to nought shall rott.
The man whom God directs doth stand
Firm in his way, his way God loveth;
Though he do fall, no wreck he proveth,
He is vpheld by heavnly hand.
I haue been young, now old I am,
Yet I the man that was betaken
To justice, never saw forsaken,
Nor that his seed to begging came.
He lends, he giues; more he dos spend,
The more his seed in blessing flourish;
Then fly all evill, and goodness nourish,
And thy good state shall never end.
God, loving right, doth not forsake
His holy ones, they are preserved
From time to time; but who be swerved
To evill, both they and theirs shall rack
I say, I say the righteous minds
Shall haue the land in their possessing,
Shall dwell therin, and this their blessing
No time within his limites binds.
The good mouth will in wisdom bide,
His tongue of heavnly judgments telleth,
For God's high law in his heart dwelleth:
What comes thereof? he shall not slide.
The wicked watch the righteous much,
And seek of life for to bereaue him;
But in their hand God will not leaue him,
Nor let him be condemn'd by such.
Wait, then, on God, and keep His way,
He will exalt thee unto honour,
And of the earth make thee an owner;
Yea, thou shalt see the evill decay.
I haue the wicked seen full sound,
Like laurell fresh him self out spreading;
Lo, he was gon; print of his treading,
Though I did seek, I never found.
Mark the vpright, the just attend,
His end shall be in peace enjoyed;
But strayers vile shall be destroyed,
And quite cutt off with helpless end.
Still, still the godly shall be stay'd
By God's most sure and sweet salvation;
In time of greatest tribulation
He shall be their true strength and aid.
He shall be their true strength and aid,
He shall saue them from all the fetches
Against them usd by wicked wretches,
Because on Him their trust is laid.
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