Psalmes of David, The - Psalm 43
Judica me, Deus.
Judg of all, judg me,
And protector bee
Of my cause, oppressed
Of most cruel sprites;
Saue me from bad wights
In false colours dressed.
For, my God, Thy sight
Giveth me my might;
Why then hast Thou left me?
Why walk I in woes,
While prevayling foes
Haue of joyes bereft me?
Send Thy truth and light,
Let them guide me right
From the paths of folly;
Bringing me to Thy
Tabernacles high,
In Thy hill most holy.
To God's altars tho
I will boldly go,
Shaking off all sadnes;
To that God that is
God of all my blisse,
God of all my gladness.
Then lo, then I will,
With sweet musick's skill,
Gratefull meaning show Thee:
Then, God, yea, my God,
I will sing abroad
What great thanks I ow Thee.
Why art thou, my soul,
Cast down in such dole?
What ayles thy discomfort?
Wait on God, for still
Thank my God I will,
My onely aide and comfort.
Judica me, Deus.
Judg of all, judg me,
And protector bee
Of my cause, oppressed
Of most cruel sprites;
Saue me from bad wights
In false colours dressed.
For, my God, Thy sight
Giveth me my might;
Why then hast Thou left me?
Why walk I in woes,
While prevayling foes
Haue of joyes bereft me?
Send Thy truth and light,
Let them guide me right
From the paths of folly;
Bringing me to Thy
Tabernacles high,
In Thy hill most holy.
To God's altars tho
I will boldly go,
Shaking off all sadnes;
To that God that is
God of all my blisse,
God of all my gladness.
Then lo, then I will,
With sweet musick's skill,
Gratefull meaning show Thee:
Then, God, yea, my God,
I will sing abroad
What great thanks I ow Thee.
Why art thou, my soul,
Cast down in such dole?
What ayles thy discomfort?
Wait on God, for still
Thank my God I will,
My onely aide and comfort.
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