Psalms -


O Lord, for strength to bear thy yoke,
Thee from my closet I invoke,
 Thee, likewise, from my couch;
As from my heart my pray'rs ascend,
Thine ear to my devotions lend,
 For I thy laws avouch!

Yea, thee will I invoke for aid,
And pray thy pity to persuade
 To these my vows aspire,
And by thy help thou shalt enlarge
My mind her duty to discharge,
 As thy decrees require.

To thee my soul herself sublimes,
And utt'ring her complaint betimes,
 She must her griefs alledge;
For to the word thou deign'd to shew,
When thy tremendous trumpet blew,
 My stedfast troth I pledge.

Mine eyes, upon thy word intent,
The watches of the night prevent,
 Thy volumes I unroll,
And from all worldly cares detach
My spirit, that I may dispatch
 The bus'ness of my soul.

O Lord, as I thy throne accost,
Let not my humble suit be lost,
 But hearken to my plea;
According to thine usual grace,
Assist and animate my race
 To heav'nly bliss and thee!

The rebels, by thy laws untaught,
And with malicious vengeance fraught,
 My very doors besiege,
And by their wickedness evince,
How far they are from peace her prince,
 And only sovereign liege.

Be thou, my Saviour, also nigh,
And to my need thy help apply,
 Against this hostile rage;
For in thy truth thou hast decreed
A blessing on the righteous seed
 Like to the thousandth age.

Thy holy laws, which Jesus crown'd
By sinless piety, redound,
 To gen'ral joy and use,
And e'en by children understood,
Are fashion'd for eternal good,
 To which they all conduce.
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