Purananuru - Part 179

“Since all those who are generous in this world have perished,
who is there to turn my bowl right side up, now face down
and worthless for any pleading because no one is giving?” When I
have asked this question, the answer offered to me has been the lord
of Nalai whose great fame never lessens, a warrior serving
the Pandya king who has seized much territory and the drums,
tightly laced, of his enemies and who wears finely fashioned
ornaments Sri might envy, the lord of Nalai who if that king
needs an army, aids him with the sword and should he require
counsel, gives him wise advice—whatever he needs! Persevering as an ox
whose yoke never slips, he whose straight spear
of fine battles feeds the vultures! Nakan! Many answer me with his name!
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