Purananuru - Part 197

When we think, “This king has chariots with banners fluttering
at their heights, with horses that gallop like the rush of the wind!”
and “That king has elephants which fight as if they were ramming mountains
while his army glowing with weapons could as well be the ocean!”
or “This is a conquering king, who triumphs in his wars
with his drums that are as awesome as the roaring of thunder!”
the wealth of such rulers does not astonish us, they who are shaded
by white umbrellas, who wear bright ornaments, whose armies hold lands!
But there is a kind of man who does astonish us, though he may
only be king of a village that grows no more than millet
from dry fields, the small leaves sprouting from the living joints
of the tiny fragrant muññai plants that sheep have grazed down
within the enclosures fenced with thorns, if that man only shows
the virtue of knowing how to treat us as we should be treated!
Even when we are overwhelmed by suffering, we do not turn our minds
to the wealth of those who are utterly without awareness,
but we think of the poverty, O greatness!
of those who are truly aware, and over and over we feel happy!
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