Purananuru - Part 56

There is the god whose neck is the color of sapphire, on whose banner the bull
spells out victory, whose matted hair spreads like fire, whose ax is irresistible;
and there is the god who carries a palmyra palm on his banner, whose body is white
as a conch twisting upward under the ocean, who kills with his murderous plow;
and there is the god who longs for triumph, on whose flag which towers up high
into the sky stands a bird, and who is the color of lovely blue sapphire polished
to a high sheen; and the shining Red God who rides a peacock, he who is never
defeated, and a deep blue peacock flutters upon his banner—among these four
whose power shields the world, who bring on destruction, whose fame cannot perish,
you are to be ranked, for with your anger that cannot be opposed, you are
like Death! With your overwhelming force, you are like the stark white god!
With your great fame, you resemble the god who slays those that scorn him!
And you are like Murugan, because whatever you may embark on you complete in full!
Since you so much resemble each and every one of them, how can there be anything
anywhere that you could not secure? May you live on, with a sweet life,
giving away precious ornaments to all those who come to you in need
and never running out of them, while every day you take your pleasure as women
wearing their shining bangles bring you the cool and fragrant wine
carried here in their excellent ships by the Greeks and the women pour it
for you out of pitchers made of gold that have been fashioned with high
artistry, O Maran, you whose sword is raised on high, like the sun
with its rays of heat driving away the darkness that has filled in
the spaces of the beautiful sky, like the moon that spreads
out its cool rays in the west, may you live
long and as firmly established as they are together with the world!
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