Purananuru - Part 7

Pressing him with your legs, you manage an elephant.
Your fine ankles seem smooth, the leg rings worn flat.
Your bow is so beautiful that it dazzles the eyes
as it rests in your hand curved to draw and release
your arrows in battle. Your chest is so broad the goddess Sri forsakes
all others for it! You have the strength to drive back elephants! And whether
it is night or day matters nothing to your desire
for plunder and the sound of weeping, as your enemies scream
for their kin in the light of their blazing cities! O Valavan
riding your elegant chariot! In the countries of your enemies, nothing
of value remains throughout the vast spaces where there were cities always
shining with such fresh wealth they disdained earth
and used fish to block holes in dams where the cool water poured through, roaring!
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