Purananuru - Part 71

Raging like lions, kings with relentless armies and hearts
of leonine unrestraint have formed a federation and pronounced
that they will go into battle against me! If I do not assault them
so that I can hear them scream in the uproar of a combat they will not
be able to endure and then see their backs as they go fleeing in their chariots,
let me give up the touch of my woman whose eyes, shadowed with collyrium
and worthy of her face, are large and lovely! And in my court where benevolence
exists and justice is never abandoned, let me grant authority to someone
unworthy of it and twist my rod of office out of shape by wandering
from the right path! And may I lose the pleasure of joyous laughter
in the company of my friends who are as near to me as my own eyes:
Mavan who is the ruler over Maiyal where the riches are never-ending
and the cities prosper encircled by the far-famed Vaiyai River,
and Antai of long established Eyil, and Antuvan Cattan of broad
renown and Atanalici and Iyakkan, that fierce man, and all of my
other friends! And let me no longer reign as king over this land
of the south, distinguished for its ancient lineage that has offered
its protection to mankind! Let me be
instead reborn to rule as protector over the dry lands of foreigners!
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