The Quartette

The tricksy Monkey, the Goat, the Ass, and bandy-legged Mishka the Bear, determine to play a quartette. They provide themselves with the necessary pieces of music — with two fiddles, and with an alto and counter-bass. Then they sit down on a meadow under a lime-tree, prepared to enchant the world by their skill. They work away at their fiddle-sticks with a will; and they make a noise, but there is no music in it.
" Stop, brothers, stop! " cried the Monkey, " wait a little! How can we get our music right? It 's plain, you must n't sit as you are. You, Mishka, with your counter-bass, face the alto. I will sit opposite the fiddle. Then a different sort of music will begin: we shall set the very hills and forests dancing. "
So they changed places, and recommenced; but the music is just as discordant as ever.
" Stop a little! " exclaims the Ass; " I have found out the secret. We shall be sure to play in tune if we sit in a row. "
They follow its advice, and form in an orderly line. But the quartette is as unmusical as ever. Louder than before there arose among them squabbling and wrangling as to how they ought to be seated. It happened that a Nightingale came flying that way, attracted by their noise. At once they all entreat it to solve their difficulty.
" Be so kind, " they say, " as to bear with us a little, in order that our quartette may come off properly. Music we have; instruments we have: tell us only how we ought to place ourselves. "
But the Nightingale replies:
" To be a musician, one must have a quicker intelligence and finer ear than you possess. You, my friends, may place yourselves just as you like, but you will never become musicians. "
Author of original: 
Ivan Krylov
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