Queen Lilith

" LADY of mystery, what is thy history?
Where is the rose God gave to thee,
Where is thy soul's virginity? "
" Lord, my Lord, is thy speech a sword?
What is it thou wouldst have of me? "

" There are pleasant passes of tender grasses
Where the kine may browse and the wild she-asses,
Between the hills and the deep salt sea,
But where is the spot that is branded not
With the Sign of the Beast on thy fair body? "

" Lord, my Lord, ask thy Scarlet Horde!
Who spilt my love and my life like wine?
Who threw my body as bread to swine?
If my sins in heaven be seventy times seven,
What between heaven and hell are thine? "

" Lady, where is it thy fancies hover,
With wolves' eyes prying restlessly
For some naked thing that they might discover,
Some strange new sin or some strange new lover,
Beyond the lover who lies with thee? "

" Lord, my Lord, who has struck the chord
That holds my heart in a spider's mesh?
Prince of the soul's satiety,
Whence springs that hunger beyond the flesh,
That only the flesh can appease in me? "

" By the love of a love that is strange as myrrh,
By the kiss that kills and the doom that smileth,
By my cloven hoof and my fiery spur,
Thou art my sister, the Lady Lilith,
I am — "
" My brother Lucifer! "

" I am thy lover, I am thy brother,
Time cannot prison us, space cannot smother,
Proudest of Jahveh's kindred we,
Whom Chaos, the terrific mother,
Begot from stark Eternity.

" I am the cry of the earth that beguileth
God's trembling hosts though they loathe my name,
The dauntless foe of His loaded game!
But where is the tomb that had hidden Lilith,
Of the Deathless Worm and the Quenchless Flame?

" I hunted thee where the Ibis nods,
From the Brocken's crag to the Upas Tree,
My lonesomeness was as great as God's,
When He cast us out from His Holy See,
But now at the last thou art come to me!'

" Let Mary of Bethlehem lord it in Heaven,
While stringed beads her seraphs tell,
(How art thou fallen, Gabriel!)
Thy bridesmaids shall be the Deadly Seven,
And I will make thee a queen in Hell! "
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