On the Queens going beyond Sea

When on the watry World, our glorious Queen
'Gan to be toss'd, as on the land sh'had been,
The joyfull waters did begin t'aspire,
And would transelement themselves to fire
And ever since it has been hard to swear
Whether the Earth, or water highest were.
The late scorn'd Sea will now it self prefer,
Bearing the best that earth could boast of, Her;
When first she lanch'd, th' ambitious waves no more
Would kiss the lips of their oft washed shoar,
But with united motion all did rise
To bear the ship; that her, to kiss the skies.
The ship, like Noahs ark, did float about,
And kept the waters that would enter, out
For were the world redrown'd, what good has been
In it, in her Epitomiz'd is seen.
The sturdy billowes, if they did arise,
Were check'd by th'power of her majestick eyes.
When ever any to rebell appears,
For grief it did dissolve it self to tears;
The moving compass had forgot to stir,
In stead o'th' Northpole pointed still at her;
At which the Pilot wondering, he spies
Two North-poles culminant at once, her eyes.
No marvail then, the compass pointed thither,
For her magnetick soul drawes all things with her.
The Ocean scorn'd Neptunes tridentine sway,
And would no more a King but Queen obey,
Nay Neptune thought she had a Venus been,
Sprung from the frothy Sea to be his Queen.
And whispering Zephyrus if he did stir,
'Twas not to blow, but to suck breath from her,
The Mariners, when ere she breathed, thought
That precious Amber 'bout the ship did float
Widdow Arabia did begin to grieve,
To see her Phaenix on the waters live
The Semi-lunar Dolphin having seen
Her face, would straight salute her as the Queen.
The amorous Syrens did altogether throng,
Hoping t'entice her to them by a song
Her brow (as though command were written there)
Did more sway them, then all their voyces her
The little fishes met and did rejoyce,
Dancing to th 'musick of the Syrens voyce
All in their several postures strove t'express
How much her presence would their mansions bless
All praying her to stay, but all in vain,
At length (though loth) they landed her again
The shoar's a Paradise, where she was driven,
And (but her Charles lack'd her) 't had been Heaven.
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