A Question
Oye Wise of the Earth, are ye wise?
?‘We can tell from a bone,’ ye say,
‘An animal's shape and size,
?And the size and shape of its prey.’—
‘For such and such joint,’ say ye,
?‘For such and such use must be.’
When I show that since time began
?The soul hath longed for the skies,
Ye say, ‘Death is the end of Man.’—
?Oye Wise of the Earth, are ye wise?
?‘We can tell from a bone,’ ye say,
‘An animal's shape and size,
?And the size and shape of its prey.’—
‘For such and such joint,’ say ye,
?‘For such and such use must be.’
When I show that since time began
?The soul hath longed for the skies,
Ye say, ‘Death is the end of Man.’—
?Oye Wise of the Earth, are ye wise?
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