To the R. Honorable, and Highly Valued Lord the Earle of Northumberland, &c.

Who cannot raigne in height of lofty stile ,
That hath so high a subiect for the same
As thy heroicke worth and glorious name ,
Is abiect, nay, then abiect farre more vile
Magnificke thoughts to think on, thoughts doth mount
Aboue the spheare of common intellect;
The thought of thy thoughts causeth this effect ,
Which maks my towring thoughts themselues surmount.
I thinke of thee and them , as of those things
That moue to rest in honor's highest Spheare ,
Sith vertue is the scale the same to reare,
Which wil make thee as neere , as deere to kings:
As long (great Lord ) as Vertue guideth thee,
Thou shalt be blest of God, King, State , and me .
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