The Raree-Show

By Jeremiah Van Husen, a German Artist .

Masters! Behold, that pretty, little Boy,
Whom, early Pray'rs, for his Friends imploy;
He! who is plac'd, over-against those Scales ,
Is, James the Third , Alias , The Prince of Wales .
For, say whate'er you will, about that Youth,
Believe me, Sirs, this is the Naked Truth .

That Figure, there, which leers on Master 's Face,
And points to Oxford , Learn'd! and Loyal Place!
Has puzzled much the Wise, to know, if She ,
His Cousin, Nurse, or else his Mother be;
But, in this Search, I think, they all have miss'd he
Depend upon't, that's put there for his Sister .

That smiling Parson, next, in Camisado ,
Is one, about whom, Men have made much and
Some call him Chev'rel , and some call him Trapp
But, I can tell you, howe'er that may hap,
Who those three Persons are, which stand behind him
The First is Doctor Phipps, Gentlemen, mind him .
The next is, or, may my End be a Rope,
That little, High-Church Rhimer, Poet P —
Or, that I may guess, a little, nigher,
Hang me, but it may happen to be Pr —
The hindmost! you may know him by his Air,
It is the thirsty, dry Vice-Chancellor .
See! how they all do promise, That the Rules,
Taught, in that Theatre , and in those Schools ,
Shall tend to strengthen His , their Sovereign 's Rig
For whom, as they have studied , so they'll fight .

The Right and Center past, the Left beware on;
The First is Ormond , tho' some call him Aaron .
See! how he points, as tho' that he would say,
This self-same Loyal University ,
Shall place this Crown , in Alma Mater 's Hand,
Upon That Infant 's Head, if I command .
Do'sn't the Scale , by Justice held, incline
T'wards him , to shew, that he has Right Divine ?
And, what else means this circled Serpent's Tail ,
But, that his Kingly Race shall never fail ?
Thus Ormond spoke; but, you must know, they jest on
This Prophesie , since Carpenter took Preston ;
And curse, in loudest Terms, since they've been crost here,
Their Bully Butler , and their General Forster .

Gentlemen! You're very Welcome; and, I hope, you're all well satisfy'd .
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