On Reading His Visions of Fancy, &c.
Fraught with each wish the friendly breast can form,
A simple muse, O! Langhorne, would intrude;
Her lays are languid, but her heart is warm,
Though not with Fancy's potent powers endued.
Fancy, though erst she shed a glimmering ray,
And op'd to fairy scenes my infant eye,
From Pain, and Care, has wing'd her cheerful way,
And with Hygera sought a milder sky.
No more my trembling hand attempts the lyre,
Which Shenstone oft (sweet bard) has deign'd to praise;
Even tuneful Langhorne's friendship fails to' inspire
The glow that warm'd my breast in happier days.
Yet not this cold heart can remain unmov'd,
When thy sweet numbers strike my raptur'd ear;
The silver sounds, by every muse approv'd,
Suspend a while the melancholy tear.
What time, on Arrowe's osier'd banks reclin'd,
I to the pale moon pour'd thy plaintive lay;
Smooth roll'd the waves, more gently sigh'd the wind,
And Echo stole the tender notes away.
Sweet elves and fays, that o'er the shadowy play
Their mystic rites and mazy dance pursue,
Tun'd their light minstrelsy to softer strains,
And from thy lays their melting music drew.
Sweet son of Fancy! may the white-rob'd Hours
Shed their kind influence on thy gentle breast
May Hebe strew thy vernal path with flow'rs,
Blest in thy love, and in thy friendship blest.
Smooth as thy numbers may thy years advance,
Pale Care and Pain their speeding darts suspen
May Health, and Fancy, lead the cheerful dance,
And Hope for ever her fair torch extend.
For thee may Fame her fairest chaplets twine;
Each fragrant bloom, that paints Aonia's brow,
Each flow'r, that blows by Alcidate, be thine;
With the chaste laurel's never-fading bough:
On thee may faithful friendship's cordial smile
Attendant wait to soothe each rising care;
The nymph thou lov'st be thine, devoid of guile,
Mild, virtuous, kind, compassionate, and fair.
May thy sweet lyre still charm the generous mind,
Thy liberal muse the patriot spirit raise;
While, in thy page to latest time consign'd,
Virtue receives the meed of polish'd praise.
Fraught with each wish the friendly breast can form,
A simple muse, O! Langhorne, would intrude;
Her lays are languid, but her heart is warm,
Though not with Fancy's potent powers endued.
Fancy, though erst she shed a glimmering ray,
And op'd to fairy scenes my infant eye,
From Pain, and Care, has wing'd her cheerful way,
And with Hygera sought a milder sky.
No more my trembling hand attempts the lyre,
Which Shenstone oft (sweet bard) has deign'd to praise;
Even tuneful Langhorne's friendship fails to' inspire
The glow that warm'd my breast in happier days.
Yet not this cold heart can remain unmov'd,
When thy sweet numbers strike my raptur'd ear;
The silver sounds, by every muse approv'd,
Suspend a while the melancholy tear.
What time, on Arrowe's osier'd banks reclin'd,
I to the pale moon pour'd thy plaintive lay;
Smooth roll'd the waves, more gently sigh'd the wind,
And Echo stole the tender notes away.
Sweet elves and fays, that o'er the shadowy play
Their mystic rites and mazy dance pursue,
Tun'd their light minstrelsy to softer strains,
And from thy lays their melting music drew.
Sweet son of Fancy! may the white-rob'd Hours
Shed their kind influence on thy gentle breast
May Hebe strew thy vernal path with flow'rs,
Blest in thy love, and in thy friendship blest.
Smooth as thy numbers may thy years advance,
Pale Care and Pain their speeding darts suspen
May Health, and Fancy, lead the cheerful dance,
And Hope for ever her fair torch extend.
For thee may Fame her fairest chaplets twine;
Each fragrant bloom, that paints Aonia's brow,
Each flow'r, that blows by Alcidate, be thine;
With the chaste laurel's never-fading bough:
On thee may faithful friendship's cordial smile
Attendant wait to soothe each rising care;
The nymph thou lov'st be thine, devoid of guile,
Mild, virtuous, kind, compassionate, and fair.
May thy sweet lyre still charm the generous mind,
Thy liberal muse the patriot spirit raise;
While, in thy page to latest time consign'd,
Virtue receives the meed of polish'd praise.
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