Reason and Fansie Doe Often Varie

Where Fansie bids vs runne, and Reason staye,
And presse our powres, that frayltie nought preuayle:
Affection blinde doth beare so great a swaye,
That we in greatest danger hoyse vp sayle.
We burne our selues, and yet doe blowe the fyer,
And trust the ayde that leaues vs in the myer.

Desyre assayes with Fansies winges to flye,
When hap withholdes, to yeelde our will successe:
Hope would aduaunce it selfe vnto the skye,
Despayre sinkes downe, and sits in sad distresse.
Desyre, dispayre, hope, hap, by fansie prest,
Thus ioyne their battayle in affections brest.
Reason resistes, vayne hope, hopes Lead will swymme,
Wyt would preuayle, affection will not yeelde:
Desyre with Frayltie ventures lyfe and lymme,
Inforcing Reason to forsake the fielde.
And thus with Fancies lore our reason ledde,
In Follies brake, we oft bring fooles to bedde.
Looke ere you leape, beware least footing fayle,
Example take by poore A CTEONS fall:
We thinke that pretie fansie may preuayle,
And therfore listen to his luring call.
But when most greedie Dogs doe vs deuour,
Fancie stands aloofe, not able to succour.

A little bewhing Curre doth oft procure,
Assault of greater Dogs, as doth appeare,
So while we rashely yeelde to Fansies lure,
More eger Curres are readie vs to teare.
Our owne desyre, affection, lust, and will,
Are those same Dogs which doe their maysters kill.

Yet neyther counsayle, wisedome, sence, nor arte,
Can brydle youth from his desyred ioye:
Graue precepts haue no power to staye his harte,
From working of his owne extreme annoye:
And though our selues doe know such things are vayne,
Yet doe we seeke the selfe same things to gayne.

What madnesse thus to stryue against all sence?
To sue, where Reason would we should refrayne:
Against all counsayle thus to make pretence,
And voyde of wisedome so to beate our brayne,
To buye repentance with so deepe desyre,
And with such heate to set our thrift on fyre.

And yet no helpe, when Fansie freightes our boate,
But Follyes force, perforce will hoyse vp sayle:
Till midst the waues of had I wist we floate,
We thinke our pleasant course should neuer fayle.
Vnlesse Gods speciall grace doe make a stay,
Our nature weake thus works her owne decay.
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