The Recruiting Sergeants

Twenty-four from Blue's Point
Sailed to War away—
Twenty-four from our Point
Enlisted in a day.
Some for their country
Went to risk their lives,
And some sailed to glory
Because of their wives!

Many great recruiters
Sound the nation's call:
But the Wives of Our Street
Are greatest of all.

Bells ring from London,
Bells ring from Rome;
Bells ring from Petrograd,
And bells ring from Home;
Bells ring from Paris—
That feared the city's fall—
But the Wives' Tongues of Our Street
Are loudest of all!

Many great recruiters
Sound the nation's call;
But the Wives of Our Street
Are greatest of all.

All the Front a-frozen,
Or a flaming Hell;
Grey sky, or lurid,
Shriek of passing shell;
Shocks like an earthquake
Where “Jack Johnsons” fall—
But the Wives' Tongues of Our Street
Are dreader than all!

Many great recruiters
Sound the nation's call;
But the Wives of Our Street
Are greatest of all.

An old mate of my mate's
(How the lists increase!)
Sailed to the Front to
Get a little peace—
Little peace and quietness,
For (you and me between)
His wife, like the rest, is
A super-submarine.

(Many great recruiters
Sound the nation's call;
But the Wives of Our Street
Are greatest of all!)

He was doing nicely
Somewhere out with French,
Or with Ian Hamilton,
Happy in the trench;
Roasting or freezing,
Where guns never cease,
Burrowing and dodging—
But his life was Peace!

(Many great recruiters
Sound the nation's call,
But the Wives' Tongues of Our Street
Are grandest of all.)

Only the shrieking shell,
Like a haunting “pome”,
Now and then reminded him
Vaguely of home;
But remembrance made him glad
That his leg was “free”;
Till at last he got it
Badly in the knee.

(Many great recruiters
Sound their country's call,
But the Wives of Our Street
Are greatest of all.)

Now the bloke is back again,
Back from shot and shell,
Back from sounds he learned to love—
Back again to Hell!
Maimed and at the mercy of
The tongue of his wife,
And the neighbours' poisoned tongues—
And Sich Is Life.

Many great recruiters
Sound their country's call,
But the Wives' Tongues of Our Street
Are damnedest of all!
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