
There are two natures make one soul:
The sea with many floods,
The earth with countless woods:
Bring the waves of the sea,
Sings the earth, unto me;
Bring the waves of the tree
Unto me, says the sea.

There are two halves that make the whole:
The heaven with clouds that drops,
The earth with mountain tops,
Crying, Give me of the cloud
My nakedness to shroud,
While the heaven replies as loud,
Let me rest each cloud — each cloud

And what art thou, O Death?
For thou seemest to gather breath
From the crystal spasm
Of the mountain,
Leaving bare a chasm
White and lonely as a fountain.

Sea from land — what remain?
Desert cavern, and plain,
And the tears that pour
From the tottering shore.

Heaven from earth —
What result has birth?
Earth is made hell,
Is heaven made earth?

Thou art sprung from the writhing
Of the lonely low or high thing;
And, O Death, thou art cursed
To be last, or to be first.
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