Remember the Day of Judgement
Gay, gay, gay, gay,
Think on dredful Domesday.
Every day thou might lere
To helpe thyself whil thou art here:
Whan thou art ded and leid on bere
Christ help thy soule, for thou ne may.
Think, man, on thy wittes five,
Do sum good whil thou art on live:
Go to Cherche and do thee shrive,
And bring thy soule in good array.
Think, man, on thy sinnes sevene,
Think how merye it is in Hevene:
Prey to God, with milde stevene,
He be thine help on Domesday.
Loke that thou non thing stere,
Ne non fals witnesse bere;
Think how Christ was stunge with spere
Whan he deyed on Good Friday.
Loke that thou ne sle non man,
Ne do non foly with non woman;
Think the blod fro Jesu ran,
Whan he deyed, withouten nay.
Think on dredful Domesday.
Every day thou might lere
To helpe thyself whil thou art here:
Whan thou art ded and leid on bere
Christ help thy soule, for thou ne may.
Think, man, on thy wittes five,
Do sum good whil thou art on live:
Go to Cherche and do thee shrive,
And bring thy soule in good array.
Think, man, on thy sinnes sevene,
Think how merye it is in Hevene:
Prey to God, with milde stevene,
He be thine help on Domesday.
Loke that thou non thing stere,
Ne non fals witnesse bere;
Think how Christ was stunge with spere
Whan he deyed on Good Friday.
Loke that thou ne sle non man,
Ne do non foly with non woman;
Think the blod fro Jesu ran,
Whan he deyed, withouten nay.
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