The Reporter
This complaint folowing sufficiently sheweth that Plasmos, being somwhat behind hand by reason of his former unthristines, having notwithstanding very proper living, unhappilie hit in acquaintaunce with certaine couseners, who seing his sufficiente abilitie, supplied his want from time to time with monie, till they had wrapt him in very daungerous and cumbersome bonds; so that hee had no way to winde himselse out of their daunger, but either by long leasure, or sellinge some parcell of his land; but by reason that it was intayled, none would deale with him, until a recoverie were had thereof. Plasmos, having no experience in those causes, and reposing a great confidence in one Liros, one of the said companions, committed the trust of his recovery unto him; who traiterously persuaded and instructed by Frenos his confederate, by chaunging and counterfetting of deedes, had purchaste all Plasmos living for nothing, if he and his felowes eagre desire of the possession, by Plasmos untimely destruction, had not decyphered their devilish deceites. But sith the circumstances be longe, and in reporting them I should passe my purpose, I leave their lewdnes unto their owne reporting; who, in the prime of their mischiefes worthily visited with miseries, to disburden their consciences of a number of villanies, hereafter shall make discourse of their owne dealinges. In the meane while Plasmos, having new knowledge of (and not yet remedied) their indirect practises, and also being a litle before maymed on his right hande, by reason of a certaine quarel that Liros had raysed betweene certaine youthes and himselse, the said Plasmos, joyning the said mischiefes with other his evill fortunes, complayneth as followeth.
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