The Reporter

It is more then straunge to see the filthie confederacie of couseners, how the wealthy churle, to save him selfe from shame when his deceites are discovered, useth the names of such lewd and carelesse persons, as to compasse gaine have a regard neither to open shame, nor to their secret consciences: and to tire the compleynant with delayes, such as with bold countenaunce (bolstred with the credite of the wealthy cousiner and his friendes) will abide the tryall of the matter: betide the worst that may, he can be but punished, for once the benefite of the deceite is in Holdfastes handling, so that lightly he that is wronged is like to reape but a colde amendes by his complaint. Among which fellowship of fiendes there is ever an odde lawyer, who secretly draweth their subtile deedes and craftie conveyances, and privily giveth them instructions how to deale in their lewd causes. To forewarne all men of this packe of pick-purses (making proofe by his owne hinderaunces) Plasmos describeth a cousiner as followeth.
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