
New to the sea of life, with easy sail
(Smooth was the wave and bright the day)
My gilded bark before the fav'ring gale,
Freighted with pleasure, skimm'd its way.

Fallacious scene! in fulness of delight
The heav'ns with sudden darkness frown'd:
The storm came thundering down, in one black night
All, all my flatt'ring hopes were drown'd.

O why so swift the stroke, and so severe?
Whose sorrow can compare with mine?
Unwarn'd, undisciplin'd to changes here,
Must I at once my all resign?

Why not resign? the blessing was but lent,
Its use but for a season giv'n;
His the sole title who the blessing sent,
Now only render'd back to Heav'n.

Too rich a treasure to be long possess'd!
'Twas happiness, alas too great!
Enjoyment high, with fond embrace caress'd
Too ardent for a mortal state.

O how this faithless world has chang'd its face!
How poor appears the bliss of kings!
O worst of lunacy, for souls to place
Their all in perishable things!

Short is the time, ere time shall be no more;
And earth and all its works shall die:
Far shorter, ere to me this scene be o'er;
Shifted to vast eternity.

Why then these fruitless tears, and wasting sighs?
Come, faith, and mount me on thy wing:
Bear me, O bear me, far beyond the skies,
To worlds where joys immortal spring.
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