To the Rev. Dr. Carter
Thou by whose fondness, and paternal care,
Distinguish'd blessings glad my chearful days,
While first my thoughts indulgent heav'n revere,
Receive the second tribute of my praise.
Thy hand my infant mind to science form'd,
And gently led it thro' the thorny road:
With love of wisdom, and of virtue warm'd,
And turn'd, from idle toys, to real good.
O gift beyond ambition's giddy aim,
Superior to the envy'd blaze of wealth,
The loudest triumphs of applauding fame,
And ev'ry joy of idly lavish'd health!
Whate'er the tuneful muse, or pensive sage
To fancy warbled, or to reason show'd,
The treasur'd stores of each enlighten'd age,
My studious search to thy direction ow'd.
Ne'er did thy voice assume a master's pow'r,
Nor force assent to what thy precepts taught;
But bid my independent spirit soar,
In all the freedom of unfetter'd thought.
Nor e'er by blind constraint and servile awe,
Compell'd to act a cold external part:
But fixt my duties by that sacred law,
That rules the secret movements of the heart.
Blest Law OF L IBERTY ! with gentle lead
To regulate our erring nature giv'n,
And vindicate from slavish human dread,
The unreserv'd obedience due to heav'n.
Still be that sacred law my faithful guide,
Conduct my actions, and my soul engage:
Then ev'ry generous care, thy youth apply'd,
Shall form the comfort of declining age.
Distinguish'd blessings glad my chearful days,
While first my thoughts indulgent heav'n revere,
Receive the second tribute of my praise.
Thy hand my infant mind to science form'd,
And gently led it thro' the thorny road:
With love of wisdom, and of virtue warm'd,
And turn'd, from idle toys, to real good.
O gift beyond ambition's giddy aim,
Superior to the envy'd blaze of wealth,
The loudest triumphs of applauding fame,
And ev'ry joy of idly lavish'd health!
Whate'er the tuneful muse, or pensive sage
To fancy warbled, or to reason show'd,
The treasur'd stores of each enlighten'd age,
My studious search to thy direction ow'd.
Ne'er did thy voice assume a master's pow'r,
Nor force assent to what thy precepts taught;
But bid my independent spirit soar,
In all the freedom of unfetter'd thought.
Nor e'er by blind constraint and servile awe,
Compell'd to act a cold external part:
But fixt my duties by that sacred law,
That rules the secret movements of the heart.
Blest Law OF L IBERTY ! with gentle lead
To regulate our erring nature giv'n,
And vindicate from slavish human dread,
The unreserv'd obedience due to heav'n.
Still be that sacred law my faithful guide,
Conduct my actions, and my soul engage:
Then ev'ry generous care, thy youth apply'd,
Shall form the comfort of declining age.
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