Richt arely one Ask Wedinsday
Richt arely one Ask Wedinsday
Drinkande the wyne sat cummaris tua.
The tane couthe to the tothir complene,
Granand ande suppand couth sche say:
" This lang Lentrin it makis me lene."
One couch befor the fyir sche sat.
God wait gif sche was gret and fat,
Yet to be feble sche did hir fene.
Ay sche said, " Cummar, lat preif of that,
This lang Lentrin it makis me lene."
" My fair suet cummar," quod the tothir,
" Ye tak that megirnes of your modir.
Ale wyne to tast sche wald disdene
Bot malwasy, and nay drink vthir.
This lang Lentryn it makis me lene.
" Cummar, be glaid baitht ewin and morrow,
The gud quhar euere ye beg or borrow.
Fra our lang fasting youe refrene,
And lat your husband dre the sorrow.
This lang Lentryn it makis me lene."
" Your counsaile, commar, is gud," quod scho.
" Ale is to tene him that I do;
In bed he is nocht wortht ane bane.
File anis the glas and drink me to.
This lang Lentryn it makis me lene."
Off wyne out of ane chopin stoip
Thai drank tua quartis, bot soip and soip,
Off droucht sic axis did thame strene.
Be thane to mend thai hed gud hoip:
That lang Lentrin suld nocht mak thaim lene.
Richt arely one Ask Wedinsday
Drinkande the wyne sat cummaris tua.
The tane couthe to the tothir complene,
Granand ande suppand couth sche say:
" This lang Lentrin it makis me lene."
One couch befor the fyir sche sat.
God wait gif sche was gret and fat,
Yet to be feble sche did hir fene.
Ay sche said, " Cummar, lat preif of that,
This lang Lentrin it makis me lene."
" My fair suet cummar," quod the tothir,
" Ye tak that megirnes of your modir.
Ale wyne to tast sche wald disdene
Bot malwasy, and nay drink vthir.
This lang Lentryn it makis me lene.
" Cummar, be glaid baitht ewin and morrow,
The gud quhar euere ye beg or borrow.
Fra our lang fasting youe refrene,
And lat your husband dre the sorrow.
This lang Lentryn it makis me lene."
" Your counsaile, commar, is gud," quod scho.
" Ale is to tene him that I do;
In bed he is nocht wortht ane bane.
File anis the glas and drink me to.
This lang Lentryn it makis me lene."
Off wyne out of ane chopin stoip
Thai drank tua quartis, bot soip and soip,
Off droucht sic axis did thame strene.
Be thane to mend thai hed gud hoip:
That lang Lentrin suld nocht mak thaim lene.
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