To the Right Ho. and Most Most Reverend Rather in God My Lor Archb. of Canturb. His Grace

Thou temp'rate Soule , that holdst promotion
To be but Vertue's meede; and vertuouslie
Dost higher prize the Soule's devotion
Proceeding from the low'st humilitie
Passion -suppressing wel-disposed spirit ,
Cleere glasse wherein true Pastors may behold
The hall'wed life that heaven doth inherit,
Whose praises Glorie writes in liquid gold .
O helpeful, harmelesse, vertuous virgin- Priest!
O louing tender-harted gaullesse Doue!
O that Arte could in thy praise so insist
As answere might the measure of my loue!
But for my loue herein surmounts my skill ,
Accept this poore show of my rich good-will .
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