To the Right Honorable My Very Good Lord, Phillip, Earle of Mountgomerie

To thee being lull'd asleepe in Fortunes lapp
In highest heau'n of Earthe's fellcities;
I send these rimes (while thou dost take a napp)
As ditties vnto Fortunes lullabies:
To make thee dreame (if thou can'st heare asleepe)
That Fortune fawnes on wisemen, fieeres on fooles:
Shee fleeres in scorne sith fooles no footing keepe
On ground of grace; but are like cucking-stooles,
Now vp aloft, then straighTorewhelm'd belowe;
Being seates of shame belowe, and at the high'st.
Let wisdome guide thee then, while fortunes flowe,
So shalt thou scape the rocke cal'd ‘Had I wist’:
But had I wist thou hadst beene borne from mee
On Fortunes floud. I would haue followed thee.
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