To the Right Honourable, Charles, Lord Andiver, Sonne and Heire of Thomas, Earle of Barkeshire

Chuse well you may, for Chose you vertue have,
Heroikely true choyce have you to save;
And he who doth in any goodnesse grow,
Rightly may have a great reward you know
Let your firme heart then, by true vertue prest,
Evermore in security finde rest,
Seeking no further a reward to finde.

Heavens ever will reward a vertuous minde,
On which rely, and for a truth know this,
With vertue is attendant endlesse blisse,
And whosoever Chuseth vertue, he
Right way hath found rewarded well to be.
Due is reward to vertue as a fee,
Ever Chuse this, all true reward you see.
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