To the Right Honourable Charles, Lord Cranborne, Sonne and Heire of Wiliam Earle of Salisbury
Choyce vertues that remaine within your brest,
Heroicke heart, shew here true riches rest,
Armies of graces mustred in array,
Ruling within your soule, and bearing sway,
Letteth the world know plainly, that in you
Enricht do abide the riches true:
So that the world may you call riches cell ,
Choicely repleat with grace, in you that dwell;
Enricht with riches , wherein you abound,
Charily treasure in your heart profound
Is truer Riches tho, which there doth dwell,
Living in vertue which in you excell,
Letting all truly call you riches cell .
Heroicke heart, shew here true riches rest,
Armies of graces mustred in array,
Ruling within your soule, and bearing sway,
Letteth the world know plainly, that in you
Enricht do abide the riches true:
So that the world may you call riches cell ,
Choicely repleat with grace, in you that dwell;
Enricht with riches , wherein you abound,
Charily treasure in your heart profound
Is truer Riches tho, which there doth dwell,
Living in vertue which in you excell,
Letting all truly call you riches cell .
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