To the Right Honourable, George, Lord Gordon, SOnne and Heire of George Marques Huntley

Go on great Lord, and as you are a Peere,
Ever a Derner of the times appeare.
O , it befitteth Peeres indeed to be
Rightly times Derners , and infirmity
Growing with mens abuse, with care and paine:
Ever by prudent wisedome to restraine.

Go on then, and as it befits you well,
O as a Derner of the times excell:
Rightly performe it Eger with affection,
Derne the abuses that by insurrection
On stage of this vast world have set their foote,
Nobly great Lord set but your hand unto't,
Egerly Derne , or else twill be no boote.
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