To the Right Honourable, George Viscount Chaworth of Ardmagh
Go Noble Sir, and still advance you forth,
Ever seeke in the world and charg'd you worth ,
On them relye, whom worthiest you doe find:
Reade now I doe to you, what Christ most kind
Gave his Disciples in their charge , that they
Enquire should worthies out; and there should stay.
Choise peece of worth , the Muses find it true,
Heroicke worthinesse remaines in you;
And therefore hath commanded me to charge
( Worth byding here) you, whose choise graces large
On a Mount, acted in most peoples sight;
Raysing in them a singular delight:
Thus doe the muses charge you with true worth ,
Heare then these lines Minerva hath brought forth.
Ever seeke in the world and charg'd you worth ,
On them relye, whom worthiest you doe find:
Reade now I doe to you, what Christ most kind
Gave his Disciples in their charge , that they
Enquire should worthies out; and there should stay.
Choise peece of worth , the Muses find it true,
Heroicke worthinesse remaines in you;
And therefore hath commanded me to charge
( Worth byding here) you, whose choise graces large
On a Mount, acted in most peoples sight;
Raysing in them a singular delight:
Thus doe the muses charge you with true worth ,
Heare then these lines Minerva hath brought forth.
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