To the Right Honourable, the Lord Cathcarte Lord Cathgarte
Lovely great Peere, the vertues in your view,
Of every Peerelesse peere you well pursue.
Rightly indeed thus like a Noble-man,
Doe you set forth your soules true luster than.
Choyce vertues which each several Lord doth act,
Admiredly you follow in your tract ,
Tracing along by vertue led so well,
Honouredly you strive for to excell,
Charily still tracing each severall Lord ,
And marking well what nobly they afford,
Resplendant honour in their Imitation,
Tracing each severall Lord of every nation,
Expressing of their worths delineation.
Of every Peerelesse peere you well pursue.
Rightly indeed thus like a Noble-man,
Doe you set forth your soules true luster than.
Choyce vertues which each several Lord doth act,
Admiredly you follow in your tract ,
Tracing along by vertue led so well,
Honouredly you strive for to excell,
Charily still tracing each severall Lord ,
And marking well what nobly they afford,
Resplendant honour in their Imitation,
Tracing each severall Lord of every nation,
Expressing of their worths delineation.
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