To the Right Honourable Mine Approved Good Lord and Master, Thomas Elsmere, Lord Chancellor of England
To the right Honourable mine ap proued good Lord and
Master, Tho mas Lord Elsmere, Lord Chancellor of England:
and to his Right Noble Lady, and Wife Alice, Countesse of Derby ,
my good Lady and Mistresse, be all feli citie, consisting in the
sight of the Obiectiue Beatitude.
The Time, my duty, and your deere desert,
(Deseruedly Right Noble) do conspire,
To make me consecrate [besides my Heart]
This I MAGE to you, forg'd with heauenly Fire!
The Backe-parts of his F ORME , who form'd this A LL ,
(Characterd by the Hand of louing Feare)
Are shaddow'd here: but (ah) they are too small
To shew their greatnesse, which ne're compast were!
But, though that Greatness past quantity,
And Goodnes doth all quality exceed ,
Yet I, this Forme of Formelesse D EIIY ,
Drewe by the Squire, and Compasse of our C REED :
Then ( with your greater G VIFIS ) accept this small ,
Yet (being right) it's more then A LL in All!
Your Honors in all duety, most bounden ,
Iohn Dauies
Master, Tho mas Lord Elsmere, Lord Chancellor of England:
and to his Right Noble Lady, and Wife Alice, Countesse of Derby ,
my good Lady and Mistresse, be all feli citie, consisting in the
sight of the Obiectiue Beatitude.
The Time, my duty, and your deere desert,
(Deseruedly Right Noble) do conspire,
To make me consecrate [besides my Heart]
This I MAGE to you, forg'd with heauenly Fire!
The Backe-parts of his F ORME , who form'd this A LL ,
(Characterd by the Hand of louing Feare)
Are shaddow'd here: but (ah) they are too small
To shew their greatnesse, which ne're compast were!
But, though that Greatness past quantity,
And Goodnes doth all quality exceed ,
Yet I, this Forme of Formelesse D EIIY ,
Drewe by the Squire, and Compasse of our C REED :
Then ( with your greater G VIFIS ) accept this small ,
Yet (being right) it's more then A LL in All!
Your Honors in all duety, most bounden ,
Iohn Dauies
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