To the Right Honourable, Robert, Lord Digby of Geshell

Robe of true honour and true noblenesse,
On those is plac't, who evell to represse
Be guids and leaders in the Common-wealth,
Evermore seeking for its good and health;
Robed in honours gowne that such may be,
That truely seeke their Lands felicity:
Vaile may fierce Armes to gowne, the Lawrell may
Stoope to the Languages, and them obay:

Doubtlesse to you then doth the Robes belong,
In whom doth rest an orators sweet tongue:
Guide unto those you are, who to your charge
By C HARLES our King committed are at large,
Yours may the Robe by, by you it may rest ,
Ever he guide men so they may be blest.
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