To the Right Honourable Thomas, Earle of Southampton, and Baron Wristhesley of Tichfielde

Thou Britaines Iland, who this Soyle possesse,
Has met a Soyle most full of worthiness ;
On which the seed of honour being sowne,
Much faire increase of vertue will be grown,
And sprouting forth from that most worthy ground:
So worthily a worthy Soyle that's found.

Worth , happy is the Land that here harvest ,
Regarding a sit place for vertues set
In it to grow, and flourish with delight,
Oh, will the world say then, worthy soyle right!
The weeds of wickednes not here, are found,
Here piety doth onely root in ground.
Evermore may your Soyle worthy remaine,
Seeds of true worthines still to retaine,
Let them increase, and into numbers grow;
Ever the true worth of the Soyleso shew;
So height has met a worthy Soyle , we know.
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