To the Right Honourable, Thomas, Viscount Wentworth, Baron of Wentworth Woodhouse, New-March, and Oversley
Thou noble Spark, indeed we must confesse,
Hast in thee a great deal of worthines :
O! none that knows you, but if truth he sayes,
Mildnes he must without all question praise,
As one faire virtue that in you hath place,
So adding unto you a lustrous grace.
With wisdom like wise, as a pearle, your soul
Endued is, blind folly to controule:
No bitternesse in you; yet such a rare
That men may set a true high estimate,
(Waying the vertues that are in you rare,)
On you, and so not to offend you, dare:
Rightly his Majestie doth this espie,
That made him place you Irelands Deputy;
Ha! needs must we than, most worth in you eye.
Hast in thee a great deal of worthines :
O! none that knows you, but if truth he sayes,
Mildnes he must without all question praise,
As one faire virtue that in you hath place,
So adding unto you a lustrous grace.
With wisdom like wise, as a pearle, your soul
Endued is, blind folly to controule:
No bitternesse in you; yet such a rare
That men may set a true high estimate,
(Waying the vertues that are in you rare,)
On you, and so not to offend you, dare:
Rightly his Majestie doth this espie,
That made him place you Irelands Deputy;
Ha! needs must we than, most worth in you eye.
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