To the Right Honourable, Well Accomplished Lady, Alice Countesse of Derby, My Good Lady and Mistresse
To the Right Honourable, well accomplished Lady, A LICE Countesse of Derby , my good Lady and Mistresse: And, to her three right Noble Daughters by Birth, Nature, and Education, the Lady Elizabeth , Countesse of Huntington, the Lady Francis Egerton , and the Lady Anne , Wife to the truely Noble Lord, Gray , Lord Chandois that now is; be all Comfort when so euer
Though long, yet (loe) at length What was design'd ,
To you and yours ( great Lady ) now is come
To your faire Hands to mooue your fairer Minde
To minde His paine that is true pleasures Summe :
For , Siren-pleasures, that but Sense allure ,
Must with the pleasures flowing from this paine
Be clens'd; else those will runne to Helles impure;
While these to Eden faire reflow againe .
The Crosse ( true Tree of life) doth fairely grow
In midd'st thereof; of whose fruite if you taste
The Nectar'd Iuyce will so your Soule oreflow
That She will be ioy- drunke with that repast!
To Flesh and Blood this Tree but Wormewood seemes ,
How ere the same may be of Suger-chest;
But That which quickens Flesh, the Crosse esteemes
To be, of Comforts, better then the best!
Vpon the Crosse ( as on a Touch) we may
Trie our Soules value whether great, or small:
If there, it ( washt with Water-Strong) doth stay ,
We may be sure its most Angelicall.
But ( with a touch) if from this Touch ( the Crosse)
It fleetes, as if the Crosse did Crosse its kinde,
Then, doth it shew that it is full of Drosse,
Till in Afflictions flames it be refinde
But you ( with Salomon) haue erst suruaid
( Nay prou'd ) the value of Earthes deerest Ioyes;
Then hardly can your Iudgement be betray'd
Vnlesse sense will not see their felt annoyes
Now, as you are the Roote from whence doe spring
True royall Branches, beautifying their Stocke;
To this Tree beare them: and faire Branches clinge
To It, as Iuy to th immortall Oke:
For, roiall Branches to the royalst Tree,
Doe cleaue by kind, sith there they kindly thriue :
Then , Ladies, of this Tree embracers bee
Which when ye die will make you more than liue.
When sensuall pleasure filled hath a Cuppe
Of her sweete Liquor for you (sith too blame)
Stirre it about before yee drinke it up,
With some parte of this Tree to purge the same .
Els, like sweete Poison, it will bane the Soule;
But, highly-lowly Ladies, (good as great)
Your great Minds Powers ( borne great ) can soone controule
Vaine Pleasures siege, and so their Spoiles defeate :
For , Pleasures most ore'come the weakest Minds
Vnfenc'd with Vertue, lying ope to Vice:
Whose Iudgements eury flash of Pleasure blinds
Borne but to Honours shame and Preiudice
Then, O firme Quadruple ( in Vnitie )
Of highly borne , ( so, kindly noble ) Hearts,
I wish all Pleasures flow from Caluery,
( Most holy Mount) into your inward'st parts
And stil I'le pray (without Times smallest losse)
The Crosse may blesse you from your Comforts Crosse .
Though long, yet (loe) at length What was design'd ,
To you and yours ( great Lady ) now is come
To your faire Hands to mooue your fairer Minde
To minde His paine that is true pleasures Summe :
For , Siren-pleasures, that but Sense allure ,
Must with the pleasures flowing from this paine
Be clens'd; else those will runne to Helles impure;
While these to Eden faire reflow againe .
The Crosse ( true Tree of life) doth fairely grow
In midd'st thereof; of whose fruite if you taste
The Nectar'd Iuyce will so your Soule oreflow
That She will be ioy- drunke with that repast!
To Flesh and Blood this Tree but Wormewood seemes ,
How ere the same may be of Suger-chest;
But That which quickens Flesh, the Crosse esteemes
To be, of Comforts, better then the best!
Vpon the Crosse ( as on a Touch) we may
Trie our Soules value whether great, or small:
If there, it ( washt with Water-Strong) doth stay ,
We may be sure its most Angelicall.
But ( with a touch) if from this Touch ( the Crosse)
It fleetes, as if the Crosse did Crosse its kinde,
Then, doth it shew that it is full of Drosse,
Till in Afflictions flames it be refinde
But you ( with Salomon) haue erst suruaid
( Nay prou'd ) the value of Earthes deerest Ioyes;
Then hardly can your Iudgement be betray'd
Vnlesse sense will not see their felt annoyes
Now, as you are the Roote from whence doe spring
True royall Branches, beautifying their Stocke;
To this Tree beare them: and faire Branches clinge
To It, as Iuy to th immortall Oke:
For, roiall Branches to the royalst Tree,
Doe cleaue by kind, sith there they kindly thriue :
Then , Ladies, of this Tree embracers bee
Which when ye die will make you more than liue.
When sensuall pleasure filled hath a Cuppe
Of her sweete Liquor for you (sith too blame)
Stirre it about before yee drinke it up,
With some parte of this Tree to purge the same .
Els, like sweete Poison, it will bane the Soule;
But, highly-lowly Ladies, (good as great)
Your great Minds Powers ( borne great ) can soone controule
Vaine Pleasures siege, and so their Spoiles defeate :
For , Pleasures most ore'come the weakest Minds
Vnfenc'd with Vertue, lying ope to Vice:
Whose Iudgements eury flash of Pleasure blinds
Borne but to Honours shame and Preiudice
Then, O firme Quadruple ( in Vnitie )
Of highly borne , ( so, kindly noble ) Hearts,
I wish all Pleasures flow from Caluery,
( Most holy Mount) into your inward'st parts
And stil I'le pray (without Times smallest losse)
The Crosse may blesse you from your Comforts Crosse .
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