To the Right Honourable, William, Earle of Areth

Wary you well may be, who do retaine
Innated luster, like a gemmy veine;
Light will a gemme cast in the darkest night,
Likewise will your example do so right,
Inlightning men in vertuous way to tread:
And thereto by your gemmy luster led,
May you then wary be, lest that you lose

Great Peere, the gemme that you so wisely chose,
Respect the treasure and all wary still ,
Avoyd those theeves who seek to do you ill;
Hence bid them pack, lodge you no sinne at home,
And so your precious gemme will not be gon:
May all the world then labour nere so much,
Ever they cannot shew a gemme that's such.
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